WOW!! RUN!! FREE $40 SoCal Residents (SCE users only) when you connect your electricity bill to Ohm Connect! This high credit is for Southern California only however all of California and non SCE users can get a $20 credit for connecting their electricity bill.
Los Angeles, we are in enegery shortage with the closing of the Aliso Canyon Natural Gas storage and we need to save electricity! Lets save energy together. Join my team HERE!
I have been with Ohm Connect since early this year and we have saved so much money. They send me a text and/or an email telling me when OHM hour is and all they ask is to turn off all unused devices and electricity that is not being used. The money has added up over time and we have saved over $100!
No credit card information is needed just grab your electricity bill or look it up online and connect it to your Ohm Connect account! Easy Peasy!
Hurry and head on over HERE now!