Need new sneakers?
Through today 7/2, head to where the Official Adidas eBay store is offering Adidas Women’s Lite Racer Shoes for just $39.99 (Regular $65). These Adidas Shoes and select other shoes found here are also on sale for an additional 25% off and use promo code PLAYFUL15 at checkout to receive an additional 15% off. That makes the pair just $25.49. Sizes are selling out quickly so hurry! Order yours here!
Here is the deal:
- Buy Adidas Women’s Lite Racer Shoes @ $39.99
- (or buy any adidas shoes or sports wear found here)
- Additional 25% off – $10
- Use promo code PLAYFUL15 (15% off) – $4.50
- Shipping is free
- Final price $25.49 each!!
Note: If you select any other shoes or sportswear your price will vary.
Head on over to to score yours!